This service is mentioned on our opening page where two of our projects are described in some detail as a way of giving an example of the extremes to which this kind of service can cover.
The idea is simple. The client has a need for a remotely based employee and wishes Cambria to facilitate this by offering to make this easy. For example, Cambia could help to find, interview and hire such employees. Cambria could offer a place for them to work. Cambria could help navigate local payroll and tax rules by handling that for the client. And so on.
This service is natural for augmenting client’s programming staff because Cambria is historically a custom programming company and does these functions for themselves. We have a major programming client who uses us just this way. His staff works out of our Manila office and is reviewed, given raises when appropriate and hired by Cambria under the leadership of the Cambria project manager who has the confidence of the client. This project has been going on since 2019 and is a resounding success.
It does not need to apply to large numbers of people. For example, the client may wish us to help him hire one person whose job, once he is hired, will be searching for new employees. He/she could work in Cambria facilities and be paid through Cambria
This service can be valuable and is only limited by the imagination. Primary motives would include taking advantage of lower expenses in the Philippines, handing of complicated stuff like payroll and associated taxes or simply to hire staff that are unavailable at home.